daxian specialty

Dazhou Olive Oil

Dazhou olive oil is a vegetable oil that is extracted from fresh olive trees and squeezed at room temperature. It is also the only vegetable oil in the world that has been cold-pressed with fresh fruit.

Rice City Rice

Rice rice has remarkable characteristics such as excellent rice quality, shiny luster, rice nourishment and sturdiness, and delicious fragrance. After long-term production practice and experience summary, regardless of variety restrictions, as long as the rice planted in the Micheng area, have these characteristics. With the same rice varieties and the same planting methods, the rice grown in other places is far less than the rice in the area. The folk proverb "Micheng rice, oil glutinous rice, no vegetables, to support you" shows the uniqueness of its quality.

Daxian dark plum

The ebony is also known as sour plum and dried plum, and the summer fruit is harvested when it is nearly seven or eight mature. After drying at low temperature, it is smoked by pyrotechnics. The surface is black or brownish black, the taste is sweet and sour, slightly astringent. Daxian Wumei variety is excellent, Rosaceae plant plum, belongs to the "Pharmacopoeia" contains the variety "ear plum", known as a large, fleshy, small nuclear, black skin, soft taste, its active ingredient tannic acid content 29.4 %, ranking first in the country.