wuchuanxian-kekeyiligengzhen specialty

Wuchuan Potato

The unique geographical environment and natural conditions make Wuchuan one of the best suitable areas for potato in China and the world. Chinese and foreign experts pointed out that Wuchuan is the "golden zone" for the growth of potatoes. The Wuchuan potato block is large, tidy, with high dry matter content, fleshy sand, smooth skin, no pollution, light degradation, and less pests and diseases. The quality of Wuchuan potatoes, which is grown in the same variety and produced by the same variety, is significantly better than other areas.

Wuchuan Oat Noodles

Wuchuan noodles, specialties in Wuchuan County, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. The main noodles are produced in Inner Mongolia. They are the most popular in Wuchuan and Siziwangqi. Their taste is delicious and unique, and their nutritional value is very high.