yaanshi-yuchengqu food

Ya Fish in Casserole

Ya fish, an important food fish for the Zhougong River in Ya'an, is known as the slashing fish, also known as Jiayu. Ancient called acupoint fish. It has the characteristics of more meat, less thorns and tenderness. It is the superior of the fresh cooking ingredients in Chuanzhong. Du Fu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, said: "The fish knows that the acupoint comes from the United States, and the wine recalls that the tube does not need to be smashed", and praises the beauty of the yak. "Casserole Yayu" is a savory and savory type, which is often used for the banquet to "play the stage". In recent years, it has been changed to serve the eater. After entering the mat, the casserole remains boiling, the fragrance is overflowing, the fish is tender and fresh, and the nutrition is rich.