Guiyang Leijia Tofu Ball

官方店铺 立即购买 ¥48.5元

Leijia Tofu Yuanzi is a Han nationality snack in Guiyang. It was founded in the 13th year of Tongzhi (1874) and is a representative project of provincial intangible cultural heritage. "Win the aromatic square overflow, white jade into the oil is bright like gold. Cooked bean 萁 萁 millennium, every table to drink wine recalls the ancient and modern. Jindou people turn the crab yellow, the slope fairy knows the flow of long. Overlooking Wei Wei, said Lei home Yuanzixiang." This poem is full of praise for Guiyang Leijia Tofu Yuanzi.

It is said that after the emperor’s death in 1874, the imperial court ordered the national “ban” (not allowed to slaughter pigs, cattle, chickens, ducks, etc.) for three days, and the officials and the people could not eat. Guiyang, located on the southwestern border, is no exception. As soon as the "ban" was ordered, the business of the tofu workshop became booming. At this time, Lei Duao and his wife, Lei Santai, who lived in Guiyang and lived in the tofu workshop, saw that this was a good time to expand their business. They thought that since the government refused to allow the people to eat meatballs, they simply took the tofu to make a round. Therefore, when they try to make tofu, add appropriate amount of salt, alkali and spices, chopped green onion and other seasonings, mix well, knead into a walnut-sized round, and then fry in a vegetable oil pan for sale. Surprisingly, this little fried tofu has been loved by Guiyang people in the world. The shrewd "Lei Santai" clearly defines the division of labor in production and management, and the business is getting more and more prosperous. It was at that time that “Lei Tofu Yuanzi” became a famous snack in Guiyang.