Qionghai Chinese fevervine rice cake

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    Qionghai Yinhai miscellaneous grains, Qionghai Jinkejia food
  • Awards:
    Top Ten Famous Snacks in China (Hainan)
官方店铺 立即购买 ¥32.8元

Chicken vine vine is a popular snack in Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan and other places. It is a good tonic, with the functions of heat, detoxification, dehumidification and blood. . In Qionghai, the chicken vine is the protagonist of the nightingale. In the summer, a bowl of iced coconut milk chicken 屎 粑 粑 seeds, ice is pleasant and sweet and soft; in winter, a bowl of hot chicken 屎 耙 ,, accompanied by the scent of brown sugar ginger, can dispel the tiredness of the day.

Chicken vine, Chinese medicine name. Alias ​​are: main vine, stinking vine root, stinky dog ​​vine, chicken vine, skunk vine, chicken foot vine and summer vine. Chicken vine, "Attachment of the syllabus" cloud: "The scent of its leaves sniffs, there is a stench, it is unknown what its name is, people because of its stinky, hence the name of the stinking vine." Chicken vine and various "smelly", "" "The name is all righteous to its stench. It is a whole grass and root of the perennial grass vine, chicken vine. It is easy to grow and has strong vitality. It can be seen on the hillsides of the country. It has vines, base wood, leaves opposite, leaves near membranous, oval, elliptic, oblong to lanceolate. It is an vine-like plant and an authentic environmentally friendly food. Chicken vines like to grow in warm, humid bushes. Panicles axillary and terminal, spreading. Branches are cymose-like cymes. Nowadays, the development and development of chicken vines has become a measure and method developed by people. In addition to the seedlings in the September-October period after planting, the cockroaches can also cut the aerial parts every year, and they can be dried or dried. Or dig roots in autumn, wash, slice, and dry for medicinal purposes. There are many ways to eat and process chicken vines. For example, chicken vines and vines are a popular snack. They are good tonics, and have the functions of heat, detoxification, dehumidification and blood. Therefore, the use value of chicken vine is very high, it can not only be used for diet, its leaves are very irregular, the flowers are very beautiful, can provide people to appreciate, can also be used as a preventive treatment for various diseases. . The chicken vine has a fragrant taste, sweet and sour; Heart; liver; spleen; kidney. The efficacy and effects of chicken vines are: hurricane dehumidification; digestion and accumulation; detoxification and swelling; promoting blood circulation and relieving pain. Indications of rheumatism and pain; food bloating; pediatric hoarding; diarrhea; dysentery; heatstroke; jaundice; hepatitis; hepatosplenomegaly; cough; phlegm; intestinal fistula; nameless swollen; foot wet swollen; burns; eczema; ; bruises; snakes. Rubbing the affected area with chicken vine leaves or tender buds can treat skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, cure qi and chest tightness, stomach pain; chicken vine or root can cure joint rheumatism; fresh chicken vine slag or another fresh leaf smash Apply the affected area to the back. Chicken vine has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, strengthening stomach, cooling and enriching blood. Speaking of chicken vines, it is a very good green food. It has been picked all the year round, especially in July, when the chicken vine grows most vigorously, it can become a green landscape, in rural adults and children. Men, women and girls are carrying blues, on the hillsides, on the fences of the villages, picking the leaves of the chicken vines in the ditch, and making them into the chicken vines. In the village, the sound of glutinous rice flour is rising and falling. The lonely mountain village is filled with the fragrance of chicken vines. It is very embarrassing. No matter how big or small, the whole family eats, does not leak one, and along the line, the cloud can exorcise evil, and it has the effect of driving mites.