Qishan Noodles with ingredients

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The s(sào) sub-surface is a traditional pasta dish in the northwestern region of China, famous for its Xifu snacks. It is popular in the Guanzhong Plain of Shaanxi Province and the eastern part of Gansu Province. The dumplings have a long history. It also contains side dishes such as tofu, eggs, etc., which is simple.

The scorpion is the meaning of diced meat. For Shaanxi people, the color of the dumplings is especially important. Yellow egg skins, black fungus, red carrots, green garlic, white tofu, etc. are both good-looking and delicious. A bowl of qualified Laoshan Hazelnut noodles should have the characteristics of “white gluten, oily and sour”. The noodles are slender, the thickness is even, the scorpion is delicious, the red oil is floating, the soup is sour and hot, the gluten is tough and refreshing, suitable for both young and old. Xunzi noodles have a very important position in the Guanzhong area. They are inseparable from important occasions such as weddings and funerals, festivals, children's full moons, old people's longevity, and welcoming relatives and friends. The practice of 岐山面 1. The noodles should be hand-kneaded and reach the standard of thin strips, smooth toughness, moderate hardness. 2. To make the dumplings, first cut the pork into thin slices, cook in a hot oil pan, and add ginger, salt, spicy noodles (chili powder) and vinegar to serve. 3. Stir the tofu, day lily and fungus as the bottom dish, spread the egg into the egg skin, cut into small pieces, add small garlic to make the cabbage. When you eat, first boil the noodles into the bowl, add the bottom dish, then pour the soup, put the hazelnuts and rinse the vegetables. Dietary common sense 岐山面 requires a wide soup, that is, the soup has less noodles and highlights the hot and sour taste. The so-called fried, Wang, noodles should be hot, hot mouth, oil, to reflect the characteristics of this side. The Laoshan Noodle is a local specialty pasta with high carbohydrate and high saturated fatty acids. The Yongming Yishan Noodle Restaurant, which enjoys a high reputation in the ancient city of Xi'an and Sanqin, is the largest Laoshan noodle restaurant in Shaanxi Province. The Yongming Mountain face inherits the legacy of the 3,000-year-old hometown of Xiqiao, and uses modern technology to carry out technological innovations, making Yongming Mountain face “thin ribs”. Light, fried and savory, sour and spicy, no soup, long aftertaste, 15 characters, five-end (root, stem, leaf, flower, algae) and five colors (red, yellow) of natural plants with rich nutritional value , white, green, black) is made with dozens of precious spices, balanced nutrients, high nutritional value, is a low-cost public nutrition fast food.