Xianyang Sanyuan Laohuangjia Bubble Oil Cake

Bubble Oil Cake is a well-known traditional Han Chinese snack in Sanyuan County, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province. Its origins can be traced back to the name of the dying feast of Wei Juyuan in the Tang Dynasty. Bubble oil cake filling is made with white sugar, yellow laurel, rose, peach kernel and cooked noodles. The bubble oil cake features white color and loose skin, such as light gauze, and the flaps are kneaded.

Bubble oil cake does not contain vanadium or alkali, just use large oil and water to heat the surface, fluffy hair. It requires the pastry chef to have superb skills and rich experience. The ratio of large oil, water and surface must be just right, and the oil temperature requirements are also very strict. Old Huangjia Address: Sanyuan County Government Street Crossroads near Minsheng Jiale Supermarket Note: 1. The oil cake is fried at the fastest speed before eating. If it is cold, the good-looking seersucker will fall off, the sugar filling will harden and seriously affect the taste; 2. Eat bubble oil cake, not urgent. Take a bite and swallow it and burn it.