Xiaogan sesame candy

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  • Authentic store:
    Xiaogan Matang Rice Wine Co., Ltd.
  • Awards:
    Top 10 famous snacks in China (Hubei)
官方店铺 立即购买 ¥55元

Xiaogan Matang is a famous traditional place in Hubei. The formula is made of refined glutinous rice, high-quality sesame and cotton white sugar, with osmanthus, money orange cake, etc. After 12 process steps and 32 links, Xiaogan's shape is like a comb, white and frosty, and fragrant. Sweet and delicious, unique flavor, rich in nutrients, containing protein, glucose and multivitamins, warm lung, nourishing the stomach, nourishing the liver, tonifying the kidney and so on.

The creation of Xiaogan Matang The creation of Xiaogan Matang is said to be related to a pouting sugar house owner. This boss is very mouthful, and often can't help but steal sugar. Once, when she was eating with relish, she saw the boss coming into the house. She was so anxious that she hurriedly threw a bowl of sugar into the jar of sesame seeds, but she was discovered by the boss. The boss saw that the sugar was covered with raw sesame seeds. It was really distressing to lose it. There was no way to get rid of raw sesame seeds, and I couldn’t help but be very angry. At this time, the grinning boss said on the side: "There is a way to use it, put it in the pot and cook it, it is delicious." The boss tried it, and it tasted good. Later, a sugary old man The master was inspired by this incident, which created a sense of filial piety. Since the 1984 AD Tangzongzong period, Xiaogan Matang has been designated as a must-have tribute to the palace every year. It has been more than a thousand years old. The "Xiaogan County" compiled by Emperor Kangxi in the thirty-fourth year of Qing Dynasty also has a record about Xiaogan's sesame sugar: "Mahjong can be oil, and 糯饧 糯饧 糖 糖 曰 曰 曰 曰 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。. Since the end of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty, Xiaogan Bajiaokou's Sugar Square has picked up the sugar to the county town, the four townships or the Hankou. For picking up, use a wooden barrel or a large shovel. The wooden barrel is brushed with tung oil and crepe paper. In addition, the sputum is divided into one to five pounds, which is convenient for customers to carry for the gift. The sugar-selling people walked the streets and lanes in Hankou, and they were commensurate with “Xiaogan Matang”. Since then, the brand “Xiaogan Matang” has been officially established. Xiaogan Matang Culture Xiaogan has a dutiful son named Dong Yong, who is married to the seven fairies of Xiafan. However, the Queen Mother was ruthless and ruthless. In the end, it was hard to break up the loving couple. Dong Yong and the Seven Immortals girls have a son named Dong Bao. After growing up, they met seven aunts under the guidance of the prophet Mr. Ghost Valley. The seven fairy priests gave him a bowl of glutinous rice. If you cook one capsule a day, you can use it as a ration for the day. After Dong Bao came home, he cooked a bowl of millet and turned it into a rice mountain to press Dong Bao down the mountain. Later, a special rice was grown on Iiyama. Because it is a fairy species from the Temple of Heaven, the taste is particularly sweet, and the folks use it to make all kinds of food. Xiaogan is the sugar made from this glutinous rice. The sesame sugar made from this glutinous rice is crispy, delicious and delicious, and it is very popular. Therefore, this sugar is widely circulated in the local area.