Hefeng Gexian Rice

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Hefeng Gexianmi is a famous specialty of Hefeng County, Enshi Prefecture, Hubei Province. It is a freshwater wild algae plant with a long history of export. The ancient name Tianxian, Tianxian rice, commonly known as Tianmu ear or water fungus, is an algae cyanobacteria, Rosary. Ge Xianmi has no roots, no leaves, no flowers and no fruit, and looks like pearls. It is a dark green particle, rich in protein, algae starch and 7 kinds of amino acids essential to the human body.

Ge Xianmi, the ancient name Tianxian cuisine, Tianxian rice, commonly known as Tianmu ear or water fungus, is an algae cyanobacteria, rosary, legendary Eastern Jin Taoist, medical scientist, alchemyist Ge Hong seclusion in the South, when passing through Hefeng Ping Cai Tian Xian rice for food, food and treatment. Later, Ge Hong entered the dynasty to dedicate himself to the emperor. After the weak prince was eaten, he was sick and strong, and the emperor felt the power of Ge Hong, and he gave the name "Ge Xianmi" to Tian Xianmi. According to the "Hefeng State Records" Qianlong six years records: "Ge Xianmi produced more than a hundred miles away from the state city (Hefeng ancient times was called Hefengzhou), Dayanguan outside (ie, walking horse) in the paddy field all over the place, color green Round, quite a good product." In the early 1960s, Hefeng’s Ma Gexianmi became a hot commodity in the international market. In Hefeng County, Hubei Province, in the mountainous area of ​​western Hubei, there is a small mountain village called Damaping, which produces a rare and rare mountain treasure. Every year in the middle of the spring, the men, women and children here, regardless of the cold and cold, squadrons in the trousers, squatting down to the paddy field (winter bubble field) with bare feet, using a scare (a leaking device) to sink a kind of sinking under the water, Color dark green, shaped like a pearl of Ge Xianmi. The locals used the freshly harvested Ge Xianmi to remove the sundries with running water and then spread them into dry goods. Every holiday or family has a happy wedding, or when you are at the door, take a little soaked in warm water to make it look back, exquisitely cut, green and round, like a pearl, no different from fresh. At this time, take the amount of water, or steam or cook, or soup or stir-fry, like sweet and sugar, salty salt, or with onion and garlic, color and flavor, the taste is delicious. Nowadays, it has become a famous dish of Shanghai Songyuelou Vegetarian Restaurant. Nutritional value In 1986, Wuhan Food Research Institute cooperated with relevant research institutes of universities and colleges to find out that the nutritional value of Gexianmi is high. The nutritional value of Gexianmi is evaluated: 8 essential amino acids of the human body, and Gexianmi contains 7 The total protein content of dry matter is as high as 56%, and the vitamin C content is close to fresh jujube, which is 23 times higher than the Chinese kiwifruit, which is known as the king of fruits, more than 5 times higher than hawthorn and 15 times higher than citrus. Vitamins B1 and B2 are also much higher than the general bacteria algae, and also contain 15 kinds of minerals, the most abundant are phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, potassium, iron, etc., and less lead, silicon, germanium, antimony, etc., trace elements There are zinc, copper, manganese, as well as starch and sugar, which has higher calcium content than ordinary vegetables and is an excellent natural calcium-rich nutritious food. The medicinal value of Gexianmi is a delicious food. Its color is green and lovely. Its taste is fresh and fresh. It is not only rich in nutrition, but also has a more efficient therapeutic value. Gexianmi is sweet, light, cold and clear. The role of the eye can cure redness, night blindness and burns. . According to the "Pharmaceutical Test": "(Ge Xianmi) dispels the heat, bonfire treatment, and long-term service. The book "National Chinese Herbal Medicine" introduces that Ge Xianmi is cold, has heat, convergence, and Qi The efficacy of eyesight, attending night blindness, rectal prolapse, external use can cure burns, burns. Its medicinal value is obvious.

Technical requirements for the quality of Hefeng Gexianmi 1. Nostoc sphaeroides Kützing. 2. The paddy field environment with an altitude of 700m to 1300m in the growing environment, the soil is rich in phosphorus, potassium and calcium, and the yellow soil and the yellow soil, the pH value is 5.5 to 6.5, and the organic matter content is 3.0% to 5.0%. Third, training management Algae source: The original species of Gexianmi is naturally propagated within the producing area. 2. 2 weeding: manual weeding. 3 Irrigation: use surface water to keep the field moist, continuous flooding ≤ 15 days. (2) Harvest period: The field is kept at a water depth of 10 cm to 12 cm. 3. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. 4. Harvesting From March to May each year, use the special tools for bamboo to pick up the freshly grown fresh sage rice in the field and put it into bamboo utensils to drain. Fifth, the process flow to the mixing → drying → rinsing → drying → air selection → sieving → packaging. Sixth, quality characteristics 1. Sensory features: dark green granules, rehydration in dark green spheroids, with a unique fragrance, the soup is clear and bright. 2. 3. Safety and other quality technical requirements: Product safety and other quality technical requirements must comply with relevant national regulations.

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Producers within the scope of the production area of ​​Hefeng Gexianmi may submit an application for the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products” to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Hefeng County, Hubei Province, which is reviewed by the Hubei Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and reported to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine for approval. Announced. The inspection mechanism of Bahefeng Gexianmi is selected by the Hubei Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision in the inspection institutions that meet the qualification requirements.