Lipu Taro

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Zhapuyu is an excellent variety formed by long-term natural selection and artificial breeding of wild carp. It has been cultivated in Zhangpu County for 400 years and has the title of “Royal tribute”. The preferred tribute at the end of the year was the tribute to the Royal Grand Ceremony, which reached its peak during the Qing Dynasty.

Zhapu has a large head, delicate meat, and a special flavor. It is the best in the middle of the scorpion. Its shape is elliptical, like a woven fabric, a large weight, generally 2 pounds multiple, but also five or six pounds. The suede is rough and brown, and the distance between the upper part of the skin is relatively short. The betel nut pattern on the clam meat is obvious and the aroma is very strong. It is rich in nutrients and contains various ingredients such as crude protein, starch, multivitamins, high calcium and inorganic salts. It is not only a good raw material for making snacks and food, but also a nourishing good for the body. Historical origins Zhangpu is a betel nut species, known for its abundance in Zhangpu, so it is called Pupu. According to records, since the Qing Dynasty in the 48th year of Emperor Kangxi, it was introduced to Zhangpu by the Zhangzhou area of ​​Fujian Province, and it has a history of more than 340 years. In the Qing Dynasty, Zhapu as a rare "royal tribute" in Guangxi, tribute to the court every year. Since then, with the TV series "The Prime Minister Liu Luoguo" hit and CCTV "Traveller", "Golden Land", "Agricultural Economics" Many interviews with Zhapuyu by the Tiandi and other columns have greatly improved the knowledge of “Zhapuyu”. “Zhapuyu” has become a beautiful “business card” in Zhangpu County and has been well-known in the world. The nutritional value of Zhapu 1. 1. Enhance immunity. It can enhance the immune function of the human body. It has an auxiliary therapeutic effect on radiotherapy and rehabilitation after cancer surgery. 2. Clean teeth and anti-mite The content of fluorine is high, so the taro has the function of cleaning teeth and preventing teeth. 3. Detoxification and anti-cancer taro contain a mucin protein, which can produce immunoglobulin after being absorbed by the body, and improve the body's resistance. Therefore, taro can detoxify and inhibit the cancer of the human body. It can be used to prevent and treat cancer. And other diseases. 4. Beauty UFA Shantou is an alkaline food, which can neutralize the acidic substances accumulated in the body, coordinate the body's acid-base balance, achieve the beauty and beauty, black hair effect, and can also be used to prevent hyperacidity.

Quality and technical requirements of Zhapuyu (1) Site regulations. The soil is loam, pH 6.0 to 7.0, paddy field, crop rotation. (2) Cultivation management. 1. Selection: choose the main cockroach full, no pests and diseases, no mold, the purity of the variety is not less than 95%, the size of a single weight of about 50g. 2. Sowing: The sowing time is from early January to early March. Planting density double planting 27,000 to 30,000 plants per hectare, planting 22,500 to 27,000 plants per hectare, planting distance 30cm to 40cm. 3. Water: Keep the soil moist and not water in the ditch. In the hot summer, keep the water layer 10cm to 15cm deep in the ditch and drain the water 20 days before harvesting. 4. Fertilization: based on base fertilizer and supplemented by top dressing. Organic fertilizers are the mainstay, and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in inorganic fertilizers are reasonably matched, and nitrogen fertilizer is not applied. 5. Pest control: prevention is the main priority, agricultural control, physical control, biological control, and the use of high-toxic, high-residue pesticides and compounding agents are prohibited. (III) Harvesting and storage 1. Harvesting: Harvesting before and after frosting, avoiding mechanical injuries during harvesting. 2. Storage: Store in a ventilated, dry, hygienic room. The storage period is 4 months under natural conditions. (4) Quality characteristics. 1. Sensory: The shape of the female cockroach is complete, spindle-shaped or cylindrical, with dense interval, clean surface, grayish white cross section, obvious brown-red betel nut pattern, tight meat structure, single weight ≥500g. Taste: It has the characteristics of pine, fine, glutinous, sweet and rich in flavor. 2. Physical and chemical indicators: Lipu fresh products contain protein ≥ 1.5%, total sugar ≥ 1.0%, amylose ≥ 1.5%, amylopectin ≥ 7.0%, total amino acid ≥ 1.0%.

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The producers within the scope of protection of the geographical indication products of Zhapu can submit an application to the Zhangpu County Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which is approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.