Sanhua Plum

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Sanhua Li, alias Da Mi Li, Ji Ma Li, Shan Hua Li, is one of the most famous famous and characteristic fruits in Guangdong and Guangxi. Sanhua Town, Wengyuan County is the birthplace of Sanhua Li and has a long history of planting. The history of Sanhua Li, historical records, Sanhua Li planting time is the Jiajing years of the Ming Dynasty, so Sanhua Li has a history of planting history of nearly five hundred years. "Ci Hai" and "China's special name Cihai" have been recorded, Sanhua Li is a specialty of Wengyuan.

Sanhua Li quality technical requirements (a) variety. Chicken and plum, big honey. (2) Site conditions. Choose loam, sandy loam, soil thickness ≥ 60cm. The pH is 6 to 6.5 and the organic matter content is ≥2.0%. (3) Cultivation management. 1. Seedling: Grafting seedlings with peaches as rootstocks. 2. Colonization: (1) Time: December 20 to February 5 of the following year. (2) Density: The total number of plants planted per hectare is ≤630. 3. Fertilization: Apply ≥15 tons of decomposed organic fertilizer per hectare per year, ≥2.5 tons of bean cake fertilizer and ≤0.15 tons of nitrogen fertilizer. 4. Plastic trimming: Mainly trimmed in winter to ensure the ventilation and light transmission of the canopy. 5. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. (4) Harvesting. In mid-June, when the fruit surface is colored ≥ 1/3, it is harvested in batches. (5) Quality characteristics. 1. Sensory characteristics: fruit round or nearly round, single fruit weight ≥ 40g, fruit powder thick, peel purple. Aromatic, crisp and honeyy. 2. Physical and chemical indicators: (1) Large honey plum: fruit hardness 7.0kg to 8.5kg/cm2, soluble solids ≥13.0%, titratable acidity ≤0.90%. (2) Chicken Ma Li: The fruit hardness is 7.5kg to 9.0kg/cm2, the soluble solid content is ≥12.5%, and the titratable acidity is ≤0.95%. 3. Safety requirements: Product safety indicators must meet the relevant regulations of the state for similar products.

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Producers within the scope of protection of Sanhua Li Geographical Indication Products may submit an application for the use of “Special Marks for Geographical Indication Products” to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Wengyuan County, Guangdong Province, which shall be examined by the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and shall be examined by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. Announcement approval. The legal inspection agency of Sanhua Li is designated by the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision.