Tangxian jujube

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Tang County is the birthplace of Tang Yin, the ancestor of the Chinese civilization. The ancestors who grew up on this ancient and magical land not only created splendid human civilizations such as Yangshao culture, Longshan culture and pre-business culture, but also cultivated sweet and refreshing Tangxian jujube. The shape of jujube in Tangxian is oblong, the skin is dark red, the big core is small, the skin is thin and fleshy, rich in nutrients, high in sugar content and high in calorific value. Jujube fruit is rich in vitamins and contains essential iron, phosphorus, calcium and other minerals. Between the green leaves, the purple and bright jujube seems to tell people about the historical changes of more than 4,000 years.

Nutritional value The Chinese herbal medicine book "The Classic" records that the red dates are sweet and warm, and belong to the spleen and stomach. They have the functions of supplementing the vital energy, nourishing the blood and calming the nerves, and alleviating the medicinal properties. Modern pharmacology finds that the red dates contain protein and fat. Rich in nutrients such as sugars, organic acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, and trace amounts of calcium. Nutritional analysis: 1. Jujube can improve human immunity and inhibit cancer cells: pharmacological studies have found that jujube can promote the formation of white blood cells, lower serum cholesterol, improve serum albumin, protect the liver, and also contain cancer cells in red dates. Normal cell transformed substance 2. People who regularly eat fresh dates rarely suffer from gallstones. This is because the rich vitamin C in fresh dates converts excess cholesterol in the body into bile acids. The cholesterol is less and the probability of stone formation is reduced. Jujube is rich in calcium and iron, which plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and postpartum anemia. Middle-aged and elderly people often have osteoporosis during menopause. Adolescents and women who are at the peak of growth and development are prone to anemia. Jujube will have very much The ideal therapeutic effect is usually unmatched by drugs. 4. It also has a good nourishing effect on people who are physically weak after illness. The rutin contained in jujube is a substance that softens blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, and has a preventive effect on hypertension. Jujube can also be anti-allergic, in addition to stinking smell, calming the nerves, brain, and enhance appetite.

Tangxian jujube quality technical requirements (1) varieties. Pregnant date. (2) Site conditions. Altitude ≤ 400 meters, pH between 6.8 and 8.5, soil type: cinnamon soil. Soil texture: sandy soil, soil organic matter content ≥ 0.8%. (3) Cultivation management. 1. Nursery: The jujube is used as the rootstock for seedling grafting and rootstock nursery. 2. Planting time and density: planting time is 3 to 4 months in spring, and 10 to 12 months in autumn. Density ≥ 56 plants / 667 m2 (mu). 3. Plastic trimming: Mainly trimmed in winter, keeping the canopy ventilated and transparent. The result group per hectare is no less than 7,860. 4. Flower and fruit management: The saplings begin to bloom in the early flowering stage, and the trees in the fruiting period are sparsely flowered and thinned. The fresh jujube is not more than 500kg (200kg of dried dates). 5. Fertilization: Based on organic fertilizer, no more than 40,000 kg per hectare per year, and no more than 60 kg of nitrogen per hectare per year. 6. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. (4) Fruit harvesting and drying. 1. Harvesting period: from late September to early October. 2. Dry method: dry or dry naturally. The thickness of natural drying is ≤7cm. 3. Drying temperature range: 4 to 6 hours in the preheating stage, the temperature should not be higher than 55 °C; in the evaporation stage 8 to 12 hours, the temperature should not be higher than 65 °C; the drying completion stage is 6 hours, and the temperature is controlled at about 50 °C. (5) Quality characteristics. 1. Sensory characteristics: The fruit shape is long oval, the fruit is full and the degree of shrinkage is small. The fruit is thick and elastic, and the appearance is purple and bright. 2. Physical and chemical indicators: single fruit weight ≥ 8.5g; sugar content ≥ 70%; water ≤ 25%. 3. Safety requirements: Product safety indicators must meet the relevant regulations of the state for similar products.

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Producers within the scope of protection of Tangxian jujube GI products may submit an application for the use of “Special Marks for Geographical Indication Products” to the Tangxian Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Hebei Province, which is reviewed by the Hebei Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and approved by the AQSIQ. Announcement approval. The statutory testing agency of Tangxian jujube is designated by the Hebei Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision.