Xiu Wen Kiwi

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The main planting variety of Xiuwen kiwifruit is “Guichang”, which is selected and cultivated by Guizhou Guizhou Fruit Branch from Guizhou wild kiwifruit. The variety is long cylindrical, with golden peel and bristles. It is a "delicious" kiwi type, with a single fruit weight of 70-100 grams. The flesh is green and green, and it is refreshing and refreshing. It is very popular among consumers. Xiuwen kiwifruit has become one of the main pillar products of local agriculture. Kiwifruit is rich in nutrients, especially vitamin C, which is the most fruitful. It has many functions such as anti-cancer, laxative, and digestion, and is recommended by the World Health Organization as the best health-care nutritious fruit.

The main planting variety of Xiuwen kiwifruit is “Guichang”, which is selected and cultivated by Guizhou Guizhou Fruit Branch from Guizhou wild kiwifruit. The variety is long cylindrical, with golden peel and bristles. It is a "delicious" kiwi type, with a fruit weight of 70-100 grams. The flesh is green and green, and it is refreshing and refreshing. It is very popular among consumers. Xiuwen kiwifruit "In 2000, it was a high-quality agricultural product in Guizhou Province. It has a single fruit weight of 70-100 grams. The fruit is long cylindrical, the skin is brown, densely covered with fine hair, and the flesh is emerald green. It is rich in vitamins, and every 100 grams of fresh fruit. Containing VC126.5mg. Guizhou has been called by industry experts as “one of the best regions in the world for kiwifruit cultivation.” History of the small story, Kangxi three years (1664) in March, Shuixi Xuanwei makes Ankun Rebel against the Qing court, Pingxi Wang Wu Sangui ordered the Guizhou admiral Li Benshen to station in the Liuguang City. Because there is a very narrow river in the upper reaches of the Liuguang River, the ancient trees are towering, the wild kiwifruit grows very prosperous, the branches on both sides cover the river, the branches The ancient vines are intertwined, and many kiwi vines are intertwined, connecting the two sides of the strait, and they are solid and seemingly a natural ropeway. So Li Tidu sent troops to pass the ropeway formed by this kiwi vine, and went through the ancient city to the west of the water, destroying it in one fell swoop. The rebel army won the victory of the Liuguanghe peace battle. "The Liuguanghe brand kiwifruit" is also named after the registered trademark. Kiwifruit is sweet and sour, cold, has the effect of revitalizing heat, regulating the air, quenching thirst and diuresis, nourishing and strengthening the body. It contains thiol protease hydrolase and superoxide dismutase, which has the beauty, immunity and cancer resistance. Anti-aging, softening blood vessels, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory functions. In addition, kiwifruit contains serum stimulating hormone to stabilize mood and calm mood; natural inositol contains brain activity; dietary fiber can lower cholesterol and promote heart Health; kiwifruit and a variety of proteases, have the function of appetizing spleen, helping digestion, preventing constipation. In addition, kiwi also has the effect of beauty and delicate skin. The edible value of kiwifruit contains a variety of vitamins and fats, proteins, amino acids and Calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, pectin, etc., of which vitamin C content is high, per 100 grams of kiwifruit contains vitamin C62 mg. Kiwifruit is suitable for gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, hypertension, coronary heart disease, jaundice hepatitis, For patients with arthritis and urethra stones; suitable for loss of appetite and indigestion; suitable for aviation, navigation,

Technical requirements for the quality of Xiuwen kiwifruit 1. The variety is long. Second, the site conditions The altitude range is 940m to 1360m, the soil is acidic or slightly acidic yellow soil, sandy loam soil, the soil layer is deep and loose, the soil is fertile, the organic matter content is ≥1%, the pH value is 5.5 to 6.5, the water table Less than 1m. Third, cultivation management Breeding of seedlings: Using wild kiwi fruit seedlings as rootstocks, grafting and breeding. 2. Planting period: from deciduous to pre-emergence, spring planting or autumn planting. 4. Management of soil and fertilizer water: organic fertilizer is mainly applied, and organic fertilizer per hectare is ≥15t per year. 5. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. 4. When the soluble solids of harvested and stored fresh fruits reach 6% to 7%, they should be harvested. Choose sunny or sunny days when the weather is cool or cloudy. After picking, it should be pre-cooled within 24 hours. V. Quality and technical requirements 1. Sensory features: fruit-shaped long cylindrical shape, tan leather, uniform color, delicate flesh, emerald green, uniform color, fleshy and succulent, moderate sweet and sour, sweet and refreshing. 2. /kg ≥ 10003. Safety and other quality technical requirements: Product safety and other quality technical requirements must comply with relevant national regulations.

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Producers within the scope of Xiuwen kiwifruit may apply to the Xiuwen County Market Supervision Administration of Guizhou Province for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which shall be reviewed by the Guizhou Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and reported to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine for approval. The testing mechanism of Xiuwen kiwifruit is selected by the Guizhou Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision in the testing institutions that meet the qualification requirements.