White river papaya

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Baihe papaya is produced in Baihe County, Shaanxi Province. Papaya is a perennial deciduous shrub or small tree. It is both a natural health food and an important raw material for medicine and cosmetics. Baihe papaya fruit has long elliptical shape, large fruit, golden yellow peel, mature skin with thick skin, smooth fruit surface, short and thick fruit stem, round cross section of fruit heart, yellow flesh of white fruit, aromatic fruit, rich in 17 Amino acids with a unique scent. In 2010, it was protected by the AQSIQ Geographical Indications.

Cultural allusions Papaya is a unique wild resource in China. It is a plant of the genus Rosaceae. The papaya planting is not accepted by the land conditions and is rich in oleanolic acid, aroma, SOD, etc., and is accepted by the world. The papaya is reported to be Qiong, not the newspaper, and the gift is good." Papaya was once a symbol of love and was loved by the world. Papaya has a long history of planting in Baihe County. Market value Because of the mellow taste of papaya wine, it has the functions of smoothing the lungs, nourishing the lungs, strengthening the stomach, lowering blood fat, etc. It is also a green product and is favored in the consumer market. At the same time, papaya can be developed into papaya vinegar, papaya drink, dried papaya in the field of food; in the field of medicine, oleanolic acid can be extracted for the treatment of liver diseases; in the field of cosmetics, oxidizing gas enzyme can be extracted. And moisturizing factor for the development of cosmetics. Papaya fruit vinegar has been successfully developed in January 2007 and is now ready for mass production. Origin Characteristics Baihe County is located in the northern foot of Daba Mountain in the eastern part of Ankang City in southern Shaanxi Province. It is located in the transitional climate zone from the north subtropical zone to the warm temperate zone. It is a continental monsoon humid climate zone. The natural climate is characterized by abundant light energy, sufficient heat and abundant rainfall. The frost-free period is long. More than 70% of the areas are low mountains and river valleys with an altitude of 170-1200 meters. The land resources of "eight mountains, half water, half-field", the north-south compatible natural environment and the mountain microclimate, gave birth to the county. There are more than 1,200 species of medicinal plants in the diversity of biological species. Among them, papaya is one of the main agricultural products. The nutritional value of papaya belongs to the deciduous shrub or small tree of Rosaceae. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that papaya contains sugar, protein, fat, minerals, vitamin A, D, CE and carotene, flavonoids, fruit acids, saponins, papaya Protease and papaya, oleanolic acid, malic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid and other ingredients. Papain can help digestion, papain has strong anti-cancer activity against lymphoid leukemia cells, and oleanolic acid has the effect of protecting liver and protecting liver and hepatitis. The latest research shows that papaya can also enhance the body's resistance and help to prevent the recovery of atypical pneumonia and AIDS. 1, papaya is warm and sour, Pinggan and stomach, Shujinluo, live bones, lower blood pressure. 2, the fruit of papaya is rich in more than 17 kinds of amino acids and calcium, iron, etc., also contains papain, papaya and so on. 3, the content of vitamin C in papaya is very high, 48 times that of apples. 4, papaya can eliminate toxins and other toxins in the body, purify the blood, have a preventive effect on liver dysfunction and hyperlipidemia, hypertension. 5, papaya base has anti-tumor effect, and can prevent the synthesis of human carcinogenic nitrosamines, has strong anti-cancer activity against lymphocytic leukemia cells. 6, the enzymes in papaya will help break down meat, reduce the workload of the gastrointestinal, help digestion, prevent constipation, and prevent cancer of the digestive system. 7, papaya can balance, strengthen the physiological and metabolic balance of hormones in adolescents and pregnant women during pregnancy, moisturizing and beauty. Efficacy and role 1, spleen and digestion: papain in papaya, can break down fat into fatty acids; modern medicine found that papaya contains an enzyme that can digest protein, which is conducive to the body's digestion and absorption of food, so there is health The power of the spleen and digestion. 2, anti-epidemic insecticide: papaya and papain have anti-tuberculosis bacilli and parasites such as aphids, mites, whipworms, amoeba, etc., so it can be used for insecticide and mites. 3, through the milk against cancer: chymosin in papaya has a through-milk effect, papaya has anti-lymphocytic leukemia, it can be used for breast milk and treatment of lymphocytic leukemia (blood cancer). 4, supplement nutrition, improve disease resistance: papaya contains a lot of water, carbohydrates, protein, fat, multivitamins and a variety of essential amino acids, can effectively supplement the body's nutrients, enhance the body's disease resistance. 5, anti-caries: papaya pulp contained in papaya pulp has the effect of relieving pain and has obvious therapeutic effect on gastrocnemius tendon.

Baihe papaya quality technical requirements (1) variety. Local local papaya varieties. (2) Land conditions. At an altitude of 300 to 900 meters, the soil type is yellow brown soil, the soil layer thickness is more than 50 cm, the soil pH is 5.3 to 7.0, and the organic matter content is ≥1.0%. (3) Cultivation management. 1. Seedling breeding: seedling breeding. Seedlings are divided into autumn and spring sowing. Autumn sowing, from late October to early November. Spring sowing, from the beginning of March to the end of March. Choose well-developed, fully mature papaya fruit, take the seeds, clean them, dry them, and store them in a low-temperature dry place. Seeds sown in spring must be stratified by sand at low temperatures. Both spring and autumn can be used. When the seedling diameter is more than 0.5cm, it can be grafted. Spring grafting is carried out 20 days before the sprouting of the rootstock, using splicing, tongue or leather. After grafting, check the survival rate and make up. Cut the anvil in time, except for sprouting and loosening. 2. Planting: Planting time, autumn planting in the normal leaves of papaya trees until the land is frozen (mid-November to early December); spring planting is carried out before the soil is thawed to the saplings (from late February to mid-March). ≤900 plants per hectare. 3. Fertilization: It is mainly based on decomposed farmyard manure or crushed high-quality cake fertilizer, and assists in the use of chemical fertilizer (papaya special fertilizer). The application rate of decomposed farmyard manure is 37500-75000kg/ha, and the quality cake fertilizer is 2250-3750 kg/ha. 4. Plastic pruning: pruning is dominated by winter pruning, combined with winter pruning and summer pruning. The main task of winter shearing is to shorten the strong branches, to eliminate the dense branches, the weak branches and the diseased dead branches, and to slowly release the moderate branches. In summer, measures such as thinning, topping, twisting, thinning and thinning, and leaf thinning are used to adjust the tree potential, and the ventilation is light. 5. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. (4) Harvesting. In late October, the peel turned from green to yellow, and the aroma was rich and harvested. Handle gently when harvesting, avoid mechanical damage, and harvest and stack according to large, medium and small grades. The stacking thickness should not exceed 30cm. (5) Storage. The fresh papaya fruit in bulk does not store for more than 10 days at natural temperature. The fresh papaya fruit packaged in the fresh-keeping bag is stored at a natural temperature for no more than 30 days. (6) Quality characteristics. 1. Sensory characteristics: round or long oval, the average weight of single fruit is more than 300 grams, the peel is golden yellow, the fruit surface is smooth, the flesh is yellowish white, and the fruit is aromatic. 2. Physical and chemical indicators: project Baihe papaya (fresh) total acid,%≥1.49 crude fiber,%≤3.70 total flavonoids,%≥2.48 selenium, mg/kg≥1.8×10-43. Safety requirements: product safety indicators must reach the country Relevant regulations for similar products.

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Producers within the scope of protection of Baihe papaya GI products may apply to the Baihe County Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Shaanxi Province for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which shall be approved by the Shaanxi Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. . The statutory testing agency of Baihe papaya is designated by the Shaanxi Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision.