taoyuanxian specialty

Taoyuan Wild Tea King

Taoyuan Wild Tea King is made from the bud head of "Taoyuan Big Leaf". Its shape is very strong, silver reveals, color is green, tender and long, and the soup is green and bright. After the brewing, it has three rises and falls, and it is like a spring after the rain. It tastes fresh and fresh, the leaves are green and bright, and the chestnut is long lasting. When drinking, it can be said that: the god of the wild tea king to worry about the silver bud needle soup green, the spirit of the fairyland water polyester dust jade leaf blade ancient musk.

Changde Dried Salted Duck

Changde sauce plate duck body red body oil bright, the color is dark red or sauce brown, no visible impurities. The head and neck are slender and bent to the left and folded under the left wing. The gusset is formed completely, the shape is flat and soft, and has a texture. The smell of the sauce is rich, the aroma is fragrant, the mouth is spicy and refreshing, the salty and pungent is moderate, the spicy taste is full of strength; the chewed skin is crispy, the fat and fat are very few, the feeling is not greasy, it is very chewy, and the aftertaste is long. I don’t want to eat it for a long time Due to its unique flavor of fragrant, spicy, fresh and mellow, Changde Sauce Duck becomes a golden place card.

Taoyuan Black Pig

Taoyuan black pig is well-proportioned and the coat is black. The sow mouth is straight, the abdomen is large but not dragged, the tail is long and the tail hair is spread like a fish tail. Pork is cherry red, fat is milky white, marble is obvious, elastic, rich in rare elements such as selenium and magnesium. It is fresh and fragrant, tender and not greasy. In Wuling Fishing Village, the sound of crisp sounds, the vigorous pace, the posture of shaking his head and tail, seems to tell the legendary story of Taoyuan Black Pig and Wuling Taoyuan.