Xinfeng radish dumplings

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  • Authentic store:
    Xiangxin County, Xinzhou County, Xinxiang, Laoxinfeng radish dumplings
  • Awards:
    Top Ten Famous Snacks in China (Jiangxi)
官方店铺 立即购买 ¥28元

Xinfeng radish dumplings, formerly known as radish dumplings, were originally Hakka folk snacks. Due to their delicious taste, they have evolved into one of the Hakka staple foods for guests. Xinfeng radish dumplings are famous old brands. They are delicious and have good reputation. The white radish and potato flour used to make Xinfeng radish dumplings can only be sourced from Xinfeng, in order to have their unique flavor.

Xinfeng radish dumplings are mainly made from white radish, potato flour, pork and fresh fish from Xinfeng, with soy sauce, chili powder and fragrant powder as accessories. Stuffing: Cut the white radish into cubes, cook until eight ripe, pick up and drain and pour into a mud, with oil, salt, chili powder, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, chopped green onion and other seasonings, stir fry in a pan, wait until taste At the time, use a starch to thicken the pan, and cut the pork and fish into thin slices of nails, and mix with soy sauce and monosodium glutamate. Both of the above are fillings, which are ready for use. Suede: first pour the potato powder into the pot, add appropriate amount of cold water to make a fire, wait until the water is boiled, mix well with a spatula, pour the powder on the chopping board when the pot is cooked, repeatedly knead, and sprinkle the flour on the chopping board while rubbing In order to prevent the sticking board, the powder will be kneaded, and the round bar will be grown into a small dose, and then the dough will be rounded. Dumplings, one hand topi, one hand holding a lotus knife to fill the radish in the middle of the round, then fish, meat, and then wrapped into a crescent-shaped dumplings, steamed into the cage for 15 minutes. At the beginning of the dumpling skin, the color is dim, but it is transparent when it is steamed. The radish dumplings are served hot and hot, and the chopsticks are used to clamp the corner of the soft and dumpling skin. The wrist can be picked up quickly, and then simmered with sesame oil, chili, soy sauce and swallowed. The dumplings are transparent and smooth, and the stuffing meat is spicy and spicy. The eater is full of praise.