Laomiao Township is located in the eastern part of Huaxian County, above the Yellow River Trail. According to the Yellow River, it has a total area of ​​79 square kilometers. The old temple beef originated in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. The royal chef of the Shunzhi emperor taught the secret recipe of the court boiled beef to a local braised pork restaurant called Zhang Guangmei. After that, the beef he sold was “meat-flavored, colory and fragrant, salty and light. It is delicious, suitable for all ages. In the three years of Yongzheng, after Emperor Yongzheng’s food, it was called “color, fragrance and taste” and it was “the world’s cuisine”. From then on, “Old Temple Beef” became the royal tribute of the Qing Dynasty. Later, because of the war, the eighth generation of the old temple beef was hidden in the cellar before the escape of the ancestral "hundred years old soup", and returned to the old business after the end of the war. After 1988, the old temple beef flourished and its scale has continued to expand.