taizhoushi-beichengjiedao specialty

Huangyan tangerine

The history of cultivation of citrus in Huangyan can be traced back to the Three Kingdoms era. The Three Kingdoms Wu Shenying's "Linhai Foreign Body Records" contains: "Chicken orange, the child is as big as a finger, sweet, and there is a Yongning in the world." (Chicken orange is kumquat, it is kumquat, Huangyan is Linhai County, and Yongning place name). The New Tang Shu·Geography of the Northern Song Dynasty (about 1060) records: “Taizhou Linhai County...Tugong Golden Paint, Milk Mandarin, Dried Ginger, Shenxiang, Tan Leather, Flying Bird.” Taizhou Established in Tang Wude four years (AD 621). It is proved from the above records that Huangyan had cultivated kumquats in the third century AD, and citrus citrus was used as a tribute in the seventh century.