yulinshi-renhouzhen specialty

Yulin Pesto

Yulin Pesto is an annual herb of the genus Allium and indica. Because the pseudo stem of the garlic is hard, it is also called Yulin bone garlic. The base of the green garlic stem is significantly enlarged, the leaves are green or dark green, fresh and clean. The garlic is thick and firm, with distinctive flavor, strong flavor, crispy meat, juicy, high quality, and extremely resistant to storage. After a period of cool storage at room temperature, the spicy taste is particularly rich and the taste is better. .

Yulin Dried Beef

Yulin Niuba is translucent in color, color like coffee, bright in oil, rich in flavor, salty and sweet, tasty and refreshing, tough and not strong. It has the characteristics of “sweet and sweet” and is the most famous traditional snack in Yulin. Hundreds of years old