Chaozhou hi Goose Hotel

Chaozhou hi Goose Hotel

Chaozhou hi Goose Goose Hotel by the self goose field of ecological farming, for distribution in Hong Kong slaughterhouse thermostat 1 hour to shop. Featured latitude 23 degrees Lion's Head geese, meat pliable and elastic. A dozen secret spices from the brine, brine overflowing, great flavor. From the classic foie gras, goose, goose wings goose intestines and then, goose, goose five-star hi enjoy the fight Chaoshan brine geese on the tip of the tongue. Hotel insisted no additives, not frozen, not overnight, is halogen, and now cut and sold six principles, with nearly four decades of experience in the old master halogen goose came out six times a day to ensure freshness.

In 1979, the river of life in Shantou new markets, it turned out, one of only a few square meters of small stalls, but it can one day sell 30 halogen goose. 2018, 39 years it did not open new stores, such as superhuman strength struck, the new store next to the city of Vientiane GUCCI boutiques, yes, hi Goose Hotel Chaozhou come! Store only stars goose lion of from 23 ° north latitude, huge size, goose fat and lean most appropriate ratio. The store in Shantou Chenghai has its own eco-breeding base of Lion"s Head geese, fresh goose straight to the shop daily freshly halogen. Good taste comes from special halogen goose brine. Heritage of generations, a dozen secret spices and brine, brine overflowing, great flavor, with over 20 years experience in the old master halogen goose day bittern, ingenuity produced, familiar taste so many ChaoShanRen eat whirlwind tears . Halogen store freshly baked goose 6 times a day, are halogen, now cut, sell, all halogen goose is not overnight!

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