Badong Figwort

The nutritional value of Scrophularia sinensis is extremely high, which can clear heat and cool blood, nourish yin and fluid, purify fire and detoxify, and soften and loose knot.

Scrophularia nutrition analysis: 1. Clearing heat and cooling blood. The product is cold, can clear the blood of the blood, used to treat fever and heat into the camp blood. 2. The quality of the multi-liquid, can clear away the evil and nourishing Yin liquid, used for hot and dry wounds, dry mouth, dry stool, and thirst. 3. Pyrolysis and detoxification. It is used for all kinds of heat syndromes of hot poisonous flaming, taking the effect of clearing away heat, purging fire and detoxifying, treating fever, pharyngeal swelling, red eyes, sores, dislocation and so on. 4. Soft and firm. The taste is salty and soft, and dissipates the stagnation, treating the swollen mass caused by the hot knot of the bonfire. The product is bitter and cold, salty and moist, the main kidney into the kidney to nourish the yin and reduce the fire, and into the blood to cool the blood and detoxification. This product is quite suitable for the case of yin deficiency and fire, blood and heat toxicity. Supplementary information of Scrophularia sinensis: According to different processing methods, it is divided into Scrophulariaceae and Scrophularia sinensis. After being processed, it is stored in a dry container. The salt ginseng is sealed, placed in a ventilated and dry place, and it is mildewproof and anti-mite. Scrophularia is suitable for the crowd: those who have spleen deficiency or those who have spleen and stomach are forbidden. Scrophulariaceae therapeutic effect: bitter, sweet, salty, slightly cold. Return to the lungs, stomach, kidney. Body Run and Relieve. Scrophulariaceae food phase grams: should not be used with gourd, scutellaria, dried ginger, jujube, hawthorn. Scrophularia practice guidance: 1. Scrophulariaceae is a salty and cold product, with a multi-liquid, functional yin and yang, detoxification, and pharynx. With fresh raw land, paeonol, red peony, etc., it is clearing heat and cooling blood; with Dashengdi, Ophiopogon, etc., it will nourish Yin and increase liquid; with burdock, Banlangen, etc., it will detoxify and pharynx; with Dashengdi, Shijieming, Mi Menghua, scorpion, etc., will be retired; with Fritillaria and Prunella vulgaris, it will dissipate and eliminate phlegm; with silver flower, angelica, licorice, detoxification and swelling. 2. However, Scrophularia sinensis stagnates the laxative and laxative, purging fire detoxification and pharynx, the clinical application range is more extensive, generally not used as a nourishing agent for long-term service; Dihuang is specialized in kidney and nourishing yin, can be used as a long-lasting nourishing yin medicine.

Badong Scrophularia sinensis quality technical requirements (1) provenance. Scrophularia ningpoensis Hemsl. (2) Site conditions. Altitude 1200m to 1400m, yellow brown loam or sandy loam, soil pH 4.9 to 6.5, soil organic matter ≥ 2%. (3) Cultivation techniques. 1. 2. In the second half of February, the cover was removed, the trench was cleaned, the diluted biogas slurry was poured, and the insulation was covered in the second half of December to prevent freezing. 3. Site selection: Scrophularia sinensis cultivation should avoid continuous cropping, and the land should be deepened and flattened before cultivation. 4. Transplanting: mulching cultivation in early March: ≤ 90,000 plants per hectare. 5. Clearing the top of the tree: clearing the tree, removing the slender axillary buds from the base minister in mid-to-late June; topping, cutting off the main stem without leaf buds in the middle and late August. 6. Fertilization and topdressing: application rate of organic fertilizer: ≥22500kg per hectare after the first ploughing; ≥30000kg per hectare after the second cultivating; ≥15000kg per hectare after the third cultivating. 7. Pest control: It is forbidden to spray all kinds of pesticides within 30 days before harvesting. 8. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. (4) Harvesting and processing. 1. 2. Dry in rainy days, the thickness of each layer should not exceed 20cm, the temperature in the chamber should be controlled within 50°C, flip twice every day, simmer to semi-dry (hand-pinch without softness), stack for 4 to 5 days, then dry. (5) Quality characteristics. 1. The individual is uniform, the quality is solid, the cross section is black, the gloss is obvious, and the specific aroma is rich. 2. And other quality technical requirements: product safety and other quality technical requirements must comply with relevant national regulations.

Apply to:
Producers within the production area of ​​Badong Scrophularia can submit an application for the use of “Special Marks for Geographical Indication Products” to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Badong County, Hubei Province. After being reviewed by the Hubei Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision, they are reported to the AQSIQ for approval. Announced. The statutory testing agency of Badong Scrophularia is designated by the Hubei Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision.