bijieshi snacks

Zhao Laowu yellow rice cake

Huang Wei, also known as Huang cake, is a very famous snack in Guizhou. Main ingredients: high quality glutinous rice, large yellow beans, pure rock sugar, wrapped with corn leaves, hazelnut leaves (excluding any pigments, preservatives). Its color is crystal yellow, the taste is soft and soft, and it can be eaten. After cooking, frying, frying, microwave heating and softening, it is ready to eat. It is a nutritious main and non-staple food. Zhao Laowu brand features Astragalus and Bamboo Leafhopper. The main raw material is the pollution-free base from Luxi County, Guizhou Province. Due to its unique taste, it has no additives and preservatives.

Bijie Tangyuan (Glutinous Rice Balls)

Bijie Tangyuan has a long history, and the place is famous and famous. Practice: The dumpling can be divided into crystal, crispy, boiling water, etc., especially crystal. Compared with other dumplings, Bijie Tangyuan is different. Small, thin, and there are up to ten different fillings in a bowl of dumplings, each with a different taste. Eat Bijie Tangyuan must eat in the old street, which is represented by Hu family.