guangnanxian-wuzhuxiang specialty

Pu'er tea

Produced in Xishuangbanna Autonomous Prefecture in the south of Yunnan Province and the counties along the banks of the Lancang River, Pu'er tea is named after Pu'er. Belongs to black tea. Nowadays, it refers to the tea produced in the Pu'er tea area. It is a dry tea and pressed tea that has been fermented by the Yunnan big leaf species, which is recognized as the raw material of the Pu'er tea area. "Pu'er tea is an antique that can be imported." Unlike other teas, it is more expensive. Pu'er tea is more expensive. "Chen" tends to gradually appreciate over time.

Guangnan Dendrobium

The genus Dendrobium candidum is a genus of the genus Dendrobium. It is a native species of Guangnan County. It is mainly attached to a variety of trees and rocks in the mountainous area of ​​the mountainous area between 600 and 1800 meters above sea level in Guangnan County. It is a national fine variety. In the range of 600m~1800m above sea level in Guangnan County, the natural growth of the genus Dendrobium is Dendrobium, or the sarcophagus fresh product produced by artificial domestication, tissue culture and artificial cultivation of the original species of Dendrobium candidum. Related products made by processing technology, collectively referred to as Guangnan Dendrobium. The genus Dendrobium candidum: stems thick, 6 cm to 30 cm high, 3 mm to 5 mm in diameter, cylindrical, slightly thinner base, green or purple; internodes 1 cm to 2 cm long. After the leaves are detached, the sheaths are tightly clasped between the nodes, gray, and the nodes are brown. Therefore, Yunnan is also called "black stalks".

Guangnan Babao Rice

Babao rice has a large fullness, good quality, good taste and taste, short cooking time, soft and not bad rice, not hard overnight, rich in viscosity, and has the characteristics of long-lasting release. Protein and fat content indicators are superior to national rice standards, high amino acid content, rich in vitamins (E, B1) and more than 10 kinds of traces of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, manganese, selenium, iron, zinc, copper, etc. Element is a precious food with high nutritional value. Babao rice has the effect of clearing away heat and moistening lungs, soothing and refreshing, and nutrition and health care.