nanjiangxian specialty

Nanjiang honeysuckle

Nanjiang honeysuckle is of unique quality, color, sweet, fragrant, selenium-rich and natural. Scientifically identified, its content of chlorogenic acid reached 6.38%, luteolin was 0.108%, and the amino acid content of flavonoids ranked first in the national honeysuckle.

Nanjiang Mountain Walnut

Nanjiang is one of the earliest areas in China to plant walnuts. Nanjiang mountain walnut planting is also a traditionally advantageous industry in Nanjiang County with a long history of cultivation. Nanjiang pecan is produced in the national key scenic spots and national “AAAA” scenic light and fog mountainous area. The ecological environment is excellent and the quality is pure. The dried fruit is smooth, the suture is low, the fruit is thin, and the nucleolus is full. It is famous for its sweet flavor.

Bashan chicken

Bashan chicken has unique taste and good muscle fiber elasticity; the meat is tender, the flavor is fragrant and nutritious, and its (live chicken) green gray feet, (white chicken) green gray feet, the skin is gray or grayish yellow.

Nanjiang Yellow Sheep

Nanjiang Yellow Sheep is a meat-type goat breed that has been selected for 7 years after being cultivated in Nanjiang County, Sichuan Province. It has the characteristics of early sexual maturity, rapid growth and development, high fertility, good meat production, strong adaptability, resistance to rough feeding and hereditary stability. It is also tender in meat, good in palatability and excellent in skin quality.

Nanjiang Magnolia bark

Nanjiang Magnolia is a kind of deciduous tree. It is a unique medicinal plant in China. Its bark, root bark, branches, flowers, seeds and buds can be used as medicine. It is mainly based on skin and has high economic value and development prospects. It is listed as a national secondary protected endangered species. Nanjiang Houpu can reach 20 meters in height, with thick branches, thick skin, large leaves and white flowers. It is fragrant, spicy and slightly bitter. It is famous for its "thickness, oiliness and fineness".

Nanjiang Eucommia

Nanjiang Eucommia has anti-aging, blood pressure regulation, and also has the effects of lowering blood fat, lowering blood sugar, laxative, weight loss, beauty, strengthening immunity, anti-fatigue, kidney-invigorating and liver-protecting. Professor Hu Xiuying of Harvard University in the United States even believes that "eucommia is the world's highest quality non-toxic side effects of natural antihypertensive drugs."