Lichuan core sugar

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The core sugar is a classic snack in Lichuan County, Jiangxi Province. It is a local special food. As the name implies, the stuffing core (such as fried sesame or fried soybeans ground into powder or fried flour) is poured into the glutinous rice sugar (that is, maltose) fermented by malt, and manually stretched to make a long-term contract. The 1.5-inch small round tubular white candy is called "filled sugar", commonly known as "filling 'cooked' sugar." The core sugar is “thin as thin as paper, white as snow, crispy, sweet and not greasy, and the mouth is melted”.

The core sugar, as its name suggests, is filled with rice kernels. The main raw materials are: glutinous rice, malt, sesame, soybean, peanut, orange cake, sugar and so on. According to the stuffing core material, it can be divided into two categories: sesame core sugar and bean powder core sugar. The wheat is warmed and incubated, the glutinous rice is steamed, the malt is smashed, the mixture is placed in a tank and stirred, and then kept warm. After several hours of decomposition, when the starch is converted into sugar, the slag is re-cooked, first with a large fire, then with Slowly cook the small simmer, make the syrup concentrated, and initially red. After repeated stretching, the carbohydrate molecules are rearranged, magically turned into crystal white, and then filled with sesame or soy flour and other fillings. Thin strips, cut and shaped, and the flavor of the core sugar is made.