Wuchuan moon Cake

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Wuchuan moon cake is produced in Wuchuan City, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province. “Wuchuan Great Moon Cake” has become “the top ten business cards of Wuchuan” with its unique cultural connotation. Wuchuan moon cake has a long history and deep roots. As a fine product in the pastry, Wuchuan moon cake is popular among the masses because of its thin skin, beautiful color, good taste and large size. Especially the huge moon cakes, which are huge and potted, are unique and popular. In September 2010, Wu Chuan was awarded the “Hometown of Chinese Mooncakes”.

Wuchuan moon cake quality technical requirements First, the original accessories requirements Ingredients: (1) Drying meat: Select the soil pigs in the area of ​​origin, take the pig's hind legs, peel and bone, do not clip the fat, and slice the dried meat made by sunning. (2) Sugar meat: Select the soil pigs in the production area, take the ridge meat with thickness ≥3cm, go to the top layer skin, do not sandwich the lean meat, and after the dicing, make it with white sugar, soy sauce, wine and five spices. (3) Cake powder: Select the glutinous rice in the range of production, and grind it to make cake powder. (4) Sesame kernel: Select sesame in the range of origin and use it after frying. (5) Melon seeds, walnut kernels, almonds, and terminal kernels: The quality conforms to the national standards for such products. (6) Water: The water source is the groundwater in the Jianjiang River Basin within the scope of production. The water quality complies with the national standards for drinking water. (7) White sugar: The quality meets the relevant national standards. 2. (2) Others: Ginger, wine, soy sauce, five spices, duck eggs, wheat flour and other quality meet the relevant national standards. Second, the processing technology Process: raw material pretreatment → ingredients → hand mixing into cake filling → cake skin → weighing block → cake → brush egg liquid → baking → cake → packaging → finished product. 2. Exposure to sunlight in ample conditions, cool in the dry room at night, for three days and four nights (that is, "three sun and four cool" process). The prepared dry meat with peanut oil, five spices and incense, simmer for 3 hours, made into silk spare. 2 Raw material pretreatment (sugar meat): The fat pork is cut into pellets, marinated with white sugar, soy sauce, wine, and five spices. It is sealed in a cylinder and placed under a certain temperature and humidity for 7 to 15 days. use. 4 raw material pretreatment (sucrose): mix and mix with a certain proportion of white sugar and pure water, cook for 3 to 4 hours into a syrup, and store the syrup for 20 days after storage. 5 raw material pretreatment (seasoning oil): After removing the leaves, whiskers and epidermis from the shallots, wash and dry, fry the peanuts, and take the liquid seasoning oil after the residue. (2) Ingredients: Accurately measure the various raw materials required, put them into the feeding tank in order, stir them evenly, and then hand-paste them into cake filling. (3) Cake dough: After mixing a certain proportion of wheat flour and cake flour, adding syrup and peanut oil, hand-turned into a soft dough in the form of white, and placed it at room temperature for 1 hour before using the cake dough. (4) Biscuits: All the weighed fillings are wrapped with the crust, and the wrapped cake blanks are placed down into the special cake-printed inner cake. (5) Brushing egg liquid: Take fresh duck egg shelling and egg white, stir the egg yolk thoroughly, and evenly spread it on the cake surface. (6) Baking: Bake in a stepwise heating mode. (7) Cooling cake: The surface temperature of the cake is reduced to 35 to 40 °C in a clean and hygienic environment. Third, the quality characteristics Sensory characteristics: the individual is full, the color oil is brown and yellow, the skin is thin and the thickness is even, the cake skin is soft, sweet and delicious, the filling is rich, the taste is mellow, and the cheek teeth are fragrant after eating. 2. Safety and other quality technical requirements: Product safety and other quality technical requirements must comply with relevant national regulations.

Apply to:
The producers within the Wuchuan moon cake production area may apply to the Wuchuan Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision of Guangdong Province for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which shall be reviewed by the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and reported to the AQSIQ for approval. The legal inspection agency of Wuchuan Mooncake is designated by Guangdong Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau.