Zhefang Tribute Rice

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Covering the Gongmi “nothing” and “mesh” is a preserved species in the ancient species of Gumi, which is planted in the organic rice base of Gongmi Yunwu. The plant height is 1.8-2.6 meters, and the growth period is 175-180. day. The “滇屯 502” and “Deyou” series are the new varieties of rice science and technology personnel who have developed a better taste and purer flavor based on the ancient species of “unbeatable” and “milliomized”. Variety.

Covering the tribute from Mangshi, located between 98°01′-98°44′ east longitude and 24°05′-24°39′ north latitude. Mangshi is a southwestern part of the Hengduan Mountains. A piece of west of the Gaoligong Mountains is cut from the northeast to the southwest. The terrain is high and steep in the northeast, low and wide in the southwest, and the gorge is arranged in parallel. Its east and northeast are adjacent to Longling County in Baoshan area, west and northwest are connected to Longling County and Lianghe County, southwest is connected with Ruili City and Luanchuan County, and south is bordered by Myanmar Union. It has a maximum area of ​​71.23 kilometers, a maximum horizontal distance of 71 kilometers from east to west, and a maximum longitudinal distance of 62 kilometers from north to south. The total land area of ​​the city is 2,987 square kilometers. Mangshi is located in the low latitude plateau, with a maximum altitude of 2889.1 meters and a minimum elevation of 528 meters. It has strong solar radiation and is one of the national high-light areas. Rich in heat and warm climate, the annual average temperature is 19.5 °C. Due to the high geomorphic difference and obvious three-dimensional climate (subtropical low-heat basin climate, subtropical low-heat hilly climate, subtropical and temperate mixed climate), it has a subtropical climate. The four seasons are not obvious, the spring temperature is high, the summer is long, the annual temperature difference is small, the daily temperature difference is large, and the photosynthesis is strong, which is conducive to material accumulation and increase the thousand-grain weight of rice. The city's forest coverage rate is 64%, the ecological environment is good, rainfall is abundant, and water resources are abundant. A good ecological environment casts into Mangshi and can also grow into a bamboo forest by inserting a chopstick. Mangshi is a green pearl in the southwestern border. It is a national-level sanitation city, an excellent tourist city, a city suitable for human habitation, and a geographical indication area mainly distributed in the intricate mountain valleys below 1100 meters above sea level, belonging to the wide valley basin. The basin is a river sediment, and the gravel impact is deposited. The pile is deep and the soil is loose and fertile. There are four river basins (commonly known as dams) of different sizes. These dams are multi-system river alluvial river valley plains or terrestrial inter-mountain basins. . There are also three thousand mountainous rice fields in the mountainous area at an altitude of 1,100 meters below sea level. 200,000 mu of covered glutinous rice planting geographical indication area is flat, fertile land, high soil organic matter content, rich in iron, selenium, zinc, calcium and other trace elements, which is conducive to the growth of high quality rice. It is an ideal rice growing area and the main producing area of ​​rice in Mangshi.

Technical requirements for covering the quality of Gongmi 1. Variety of japonica rice “滇屯 502”, “Mu Muxi”, “Wu Wei”, “Deyou Series” and so on. 2. Site conditions The soil types are purple soil, sandy loam soil, marsh soil, alluvial soil and paddy soil. The soil organic matter content is ≥3%, and the pH value is 5.5 to 5.7. Third, cultivation management Nursery: (1) Breeding method: dry nursery. (2) Sowing period: from April 20 to May 15, the age is 30d to 35d. (3) Seeding rate: 30kg to 35kg per 667m2 (mu). 2. 3. Fertilization: 1200kg to 1500kg of fermented organic fertilizer per 667m2 (mu). 4. Environmental and safety requirements: The use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. Fourth, harvesting and processing 1. Harvest: When the yellow ripe grain reaches 95% in late October, it is artificially or mechanically harvested, threshed, and naturally air-dried, according to the variety, single, single and single storage. 2. V. Quality characteristics 1. Sensory features: grain golden yellow, rice is long grain, color is crystal clear as jade, rice moisturizing soft and refreshing, oily, sticky but not greasy, cold does not return. 2. 3. Safety and other quality technical requirements: Product safety and other quality technical requirements must comply with relevant national regulations.

Apply to:
Producers who cover the production area of ​​Gongmi can submit an application to the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Mangshi City of Yunnan Province for the use of the “Special Mark for Geographical Indication Products”, which is reviewed by the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Yunnan Province and announced to the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. . The inspection organization for covering the tribute is selected by the Yunnan Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision in the inspection institutions that meet the qualification requirements.